School Mode
Trip Tickets
Monokuma te obsequiará con Trip Tickets cada vez que cumplas con el objetivo marcado. El número de Trip Tickets es limitado y solo se puede emplear uno por Free Time. Tendrás que escoger el personaje con el que lo quieres usar y luego una localización de las seis disponibles. Cada lugar cuenta con tres sets de diálogo que aparecen de forma aleatoria. A continuación te indicamos la respuesta más favorable de los sets para cada personaje.
De vez en cuando se activará el Trigger Happy Heart, que usa la jugabilidad de los Nonstop Debates. Cada ficha de personaje especifica la combinación idónea que sube más la amistad. También encontrarás la respuesta correcta para el encuentro en el Gym del día 51, tras la cual el personaje te obsequia con un regalo exclusivo que necesitarás para completar los Presents y desbloquear el trofeo Seriously, You Shouldn't Have. También desbloquearás el trofeo oculto School's Out Forever al ver todos los endings.
Acceso rápido
Al iniciar el Free Time, pulsa para acceder a una barra con los iconos de todos los personajes. Al pulsar sobre el retrato aparecerás directamente frente al personaje en cuestión. La cara de Makoto te lleva a su dormitorio por si quieres saltarte el Free Time.
Habla con Monokuma para comprobar el nivel de amistad que tienes con cada personaje. Los niveles de amistad son exclusivos de cada partida de School Mode.
Completar las Report Card
No podrás acceder al ending de cada personaje en el 51.º día si no has completado antes su Report Card. Genocide Jill estará disponible cuando hayas completado todas las páginas de Toko.
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > Is it fair of me | |
Day 51: Keep trying and the world will reward you! | |
Dining Hall | So what do you like to do at night? For breakfast, Japanese style is best. You're always so... fired up. |
School Store | You think there's any uniforms here? I remember those toy vending machines! Let's organize things in here a little... |
Library | Should we spend some time studying? Do you come here a lot? Maybe we should tidy up a little. |
Rec Room | I'm not sure about any of these games... Wanna play Othello? Is that a dartboard? |
Music Room | I'm a big fan of music. I'd love to hear Sayaka sing sometime... That piano looks pretty expensive... |
Garden | We can't eat these chickens... Wanna walk around a bit? Look at those chickens! |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > he and I live in different worlds | |
Day 51: I'm just another normal person... | |
Dining Hall | Want something to drink? What are you into these days...? What should we talk about...? |
School Store | That's a pretty cute doll. I remember those toy vending machines! I want this awesome armor! |
Library | Wanna go check out that back room? I love reading! Just reading casually isn't enough, is it? |
Rec Room | Is that a slot machine back there...? Hope's Peak really is amazing... Let's play some pool. |
Music Room | I'd love to go to a concert or something. You think this room might be haunted? Maybe we should go somewhere else... |
Garden | Something seems off... You wanna do some flower viewing? It's super humid in here, huh? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > laugh at me | |
Day 51: You're gonna become a carpenter, right? | |
Dining Hall | How do you get your hair to do that? Want something to drink? What should we talk about...? |
School Store | Are you gonna buy something? Are you gonna take a CD? You wanna give the toy machine a shot? |
Library | This is a pretty nice desk. Don't they have any comics here? I'm starting to get kinda sleepy... |
Rec Room | They even have a motorcycle magazine! Let's give darts a shot. Is that a slot machine back there...? |
Music Room | That piano looks pretty expensive... I wanna do some karaoke. So... do you like music? |
Garden | It's kinda humid in here... I'd love to just lay down and go to sleep. You said you're a dog person, right? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > keep it hidden from everyone till this is all over | |
Day 51: What about singing? | |
Dining Hall | What's your favorite food? When I'm starving, it's burger time! Didn't those piercings hurt? |
School Store | I wonder if they have any new DVDs... I remember those toy vending machines! There's all kinds of paintings here... |
Library | I'm gettin' kinda sleepy... You think there's any cool books here? I just wanna read comics... |
Rec Room | Let's give darts a shot. Is that a slot machine back there...? I'm not sure about any of these games... |
Music Room | I'm a big fan of music. I'd love to hear Sayaka sing sometime... That piano looks pretty expensive... |
Garden | It's super humid in here, huh? Do you like this place? I'd love to just lay down and go to sleep. |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > handed down from the gods | |
Day 51: I'll join you as your friend. | |
Dining Hall | Every meal is important. So what do you like to do at night? Want something to drink? |
School Store | Things are piled up to the ceiling... I remember those toy vending machines! Do they have any anime DVDs in stock? |
Library | Do they have any of your stuff here? I just wanna read comics... I love reading! |
Rec Room | Let's play some pool. Is that a slot machine back there...? I'm not sure about any of these games... |
Music Room | There's lots of speakers here... Do you do karaoke a lot? So... what's your favorite kind of music? |
Garden | Wanna walk around a bit? Should we take a nap? Do you like this place? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > beg him to help me | |
Day 51: Attend that seminar? | |
Dining Hall | For breakfast, Japanese style is best. Let's make lunch and go eat somewhere! Tell me all about power spots. |
School Store | I remember those toy vending machines! I want this awesome armor! There's all kinds of paintings here... |
Library | Can you tell my fortune? I'm gettin' kinda sleepy... Have you ever published a book? |
Rec Room | Wanna play Othello? Is that a slot machine back there...? I'm not sure about any of these games... |
Music Room | That piano looks pretty expensive... I'd love to hear Sayaka sing sometime... I'm a big fan of music. |
Garden | We can't eat these chickens... I'd love to just lay down and go to sleep. Look at those chickens! |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > think I'm awful | |
Day 51: Just let yourself get immersed in it. | |
Dining Hall | Let's pack a lunch and go somewhere. Should we clean up a little? Do you like Japanese or Western food? |
School Store | There's some pretty neat stuff here, huh? Do you see anything you want? You wanna give the toy machine a shot? |
Library | It's so quiet here... I love reading! Do you come to the library a lot? |
Rec Room | They have some computer magazines here. Wanna play Othello? Hope's Peak really is amazing... |
Music Room | I'd love to hear Sayaka sing sometime... That piano looks pretty expensive... What kind of music do you like? |
Garden | Wanna walk around a bit? Look at those chickens! This really doesn't feel like a classroom. |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > being a nuisance | |
Day 51: I feel the same way... | |
Dining Hall | Do you know how to cook? Want something to drink? Let's make lunch and go eat somewhere! |
School Store | There's all kinds of paintings here... You wanna give the toy machine a shot? That's a pretty cute doll. |
Library | Maybe we should tidy up a little. Should we spend some time studying? Here's a book on fashion accessories. |
Rec Room | Wanna try playing darts? Wanna play Othello? What's the point of these bottles? |
Music Room | I'm a big fan of music. I'd love to hear you sing sometime... That piano looks pretty expensive... |
Garden | Look at all the different plants... Wanna walk around a bit? Do you like this place? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > there's nothing I can do | |
Day 51: What you've already lost? | |
Dining Hall | Would you like some coffee? I could go for something sweet... Do you know how to cook? |
School Store | There's even incense and perfume... I want this awesome armor! That's a pretty cute doll. |
Library | I love reading! I just wanna read comics... It's so quiet here... |
Rec Room | It's a bunch of Monokuma Bottles... Wanna play Othello? Would you like to sit down and just talk? |
Music Room | I'm a big fan of music. What's your favorite kind of music? That piano looks pretty expensive... |
Garden | Look at those chickens! Let's make some flower garlands! You wanna do some flower viewing? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > swim like crazy | |
Day 51: Weren't you gonna go for the gold? | |
Dining Hall | For breakfast, Japanese style is best. Don't you ever let your hair down? Have you put on a little weight? |
School Store | Let's dig for treasure! Do they have any new DVDs here...? They have candy and sweets and stuff, too! |
Library | Hey, a swimming guidebook! I'm gettin' kinda sleepy... I just wanna read comics... |
Rec Room | Are you into sports comics? Let's give darts a shot. I wanna get outside and run around! |
Music Room | I wanna do some karaoke. I'm a big fan of music. Wanna try singing together with everyone? |
Garden | Look at those chickens! Let's make some flower garlands! Can we grow fruit here? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > p-pointless expectations | |
Day 51: We're friends! | |
Dining Hall | What have you been interested in lately? Would you like some tea? What's your favorite food? |
School Store | I remember those toy vending machines! That's a pretty cute doll. Let's dig for treasure! |
Library | I love reading! Do you write using a computer? Do you read any fanfic stuff? |
Rec Room | You wanna play pool? Monokuma Bottles...? Wanna play Othello? |
Music Room | Do you listen to music when you write? Do you listen to music? I've always wanted to see some live music. |
Garden | Something seems off... These flowers are beautiful. Wanna make some flower garlands? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > he accepts me for it | |
Day 51: Mental fortitude? | |
Dining Hall | I'd like to train with you. What should we talk about...? For breakfast, Japanese style is best. |
School Store | That's a pretty cute doll. Would that barrel be good for training? Let's organize things in here a little... |
Library | Maybe we should tidy up a little. No young adult fiction here, looks like... It's so quiet here... |
Rec Room | Why don't we sit down and just talk? Kinda boring here, huh...? Would you like to play Othello? |
Music Room | Wanna try singing together with everyone? I'd love to hear Sayaka sing sometime... I'm a big fan of music. |
Garden | I'd rather have rabbits than chickens... Wanna walk around a bit? I wish there were cherry blossoms here. |
Trigger Happy Heart: Affirmation > stand by my side | |
Day 51: A European castle? | |
Dining Hall | For breakfast, Japanese style is best. So what do you like to do at night? All the food here is really good. |
School Store | That vase looks pretty expensive... Is there anything interesting in here? Do you see anything you want? |
Library | Do you want to read something? The interior design here is really nice... I love reading! |
Rec Room | Hope's Peak really is amazing... Is that a slot machine back there...? Wanna play Othello? |
Music Room | That piano looks pretty expensive... I wanna do some karaoke. There's some pretty nice equipment here... |
Garden | Something seems off... Wanna walk around a bit? Wanna do some gardening? |
Trigger Happy Heart: Negation > Makoto's been spending so much time with me | |
Day 51: Didn't you want to search for a new dream? | |
Dining Hall | Is it hard being a model? Let's make lunch and go eat somewhere! When I'm starving, it's burger time! |
School Store | There's a ton of weapon-type stuff here. I want this awesome armor! Let's organize things in here a little... |
Library | They have tons of how-to books. I just wanna read comics... Just reading casually isn't enough, is it? |
Rec Room | Don't they have any video games? Maybe there's someone in the locker... Let's give darts a shot. |
Music Room | You think you'll ever release a CD? It's nice and dark and quiet in here... I've always wanted to see some live music. |
Garden | Look at those chickens! I'd rather have rabbits than chickens... The grass is so lush and green... |