Localización Artefactos
Se indica el lugar donde obtienes el conocimiento de los artefactos. Haz click en las imágenes para verlas en grande.
Escribe el nombre del artefacto que buscas en el siguiente campo:
Artefacto |
Localización | |
Mystic Eye | Elgarthe Region | |
Tach Lab | Mistral Gorge | |
Magic Eye, Soul Walk, Zone Gate | Mistral Gorge | |
Quantum | Imperial Capital | |
Causality | Imperial Capital | |
Spirit Lore | Imperial Capital Watt | |
Paragon | Gigante Southlands | |
Harvest, Lost Arc, Yggdrasil | Ragness Ruins | |
Platinum Bobb | Los Labyrinth | |
Soul Altar | Los Labyrinth | |
Primordium | Imperial Capital | |
Mysticism | Command Base | |
Bio Boost | Shipsink | |
Mage Keep, Rigidity, Steel Pace | Shipsink | |
Genelumini | Gigante Northlands | |
Morsyn | Sacred Rahet | |
Loquella | Massifs | |
Eredisfata | Salny | |
Black Luck | Salny | |
Hyperion | Salny Refuge | |
Grief Mill | Sal Garthr | |
Aurum Bobb | Sal Garthr | |
Time Waste | Graccia Southlands | |
Prognotisc | Yugebury | |
Library | Yugebury | |
Praesidis | Graccia Southlands | |
Chef's Pal | Holy Cave | |
Alacrity, Certainty, Soul Tree, Resonance | Holy Cave | |
Grand Rune | Wyllia | |
Prism Lake | Wyllia | |
Pantheon, Foresight, Oddity, Devotion | Marsh End | |
Mech Fort | Graccia Northlands | |
Constantia | Graccia Northlands | |
Pick-Me-Up | Graccia Northlands | |
Dimensions | Catacombs | |
Blockade | Catacombs | |
Diange, Paradox, Star Glow, Bestiary | Mind's End | |
Apocalypse | Dhaka Venu | |
Avenger | Dhaka Venu | |
Wintia | Gigante Southlands | |
Geldknight | Gigante Southlands | |
Fablulesco | Elgarthe Region | |
Iron Falls | Archives | |
Lore Altar | Archives | |
Geld Altar | Archives | |
Afterlife | Archives | |
Den of Chaos, Gear Shine, Time Keep | Archives | |
Diversify | Lunar Kiln | |
Diamantine | Lunar Kiln | |
Pyramid | Dhaka Venu | |
Den of Peace | Dhaka Venu | |
Speracus | Command Base | |
Fairy Wind, Deus Ex, Akashic | Sacred Rahet | |
Miracle | Sacred Rahet | |
All Things | Lunar Kiln 2 | |
Deus Dais | Lunar Kiln 2 | |
Mech Yard | Imperial Palace | |
Rich Menu | Graccia Southlands | |
Pengy | Spritnite Orb | |
Tough Guy | Imperial Capital | |
Divine Way | Salny |